Welcome to Texas Alpha Epsilon Pi!

Alpha Epsilon Pi, the premier Jewish fraternity at The University of Texas at Austin, was founded to provide opportunities for a young man seeking the best possible college and fraternity experience.

Join our brotherhood!

A Note From the president

Brothers, Friends, and Community Members,

Hello, My name is Mason Kitzis and I am the President for the 2024-2025 academic year of the Gamma Deuteron Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity here at The University of Texas at Austin.

As THE Jewish fraternity, our brotherhood is very active in the Jewish Community here in Austin. Countless actives serve in leadership positions on Hillel’s Executive Board, Chabad, and Olami Organizations. Furthermore, many of our brothers are deeply involved with Jewish organizations in the Austin area including the local JCC and Shalom Austin. With a diverse brotherhood stretching across many majors, colleges, and other organizations across campus, the reach of AEPi on the UT campus is far and wide.

My first priority as President of Gamma Deuteron is to serve all of my brothers and by extension their families in my strongest capacity. No matter what, health, success, and overall well-being are of the utmost importance for any member of this chapter. I will work endlessly to ensure everyone’s needs are met.

Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any comments, questions or concerns regarding Alpha Epsilon Pi or any of the active members. I encourage all of you to do this, no matter the reason. It is my honor and pleasure to hold this position. I look forward to hearing from you!


Mason Kitzis
